‹ BackMs Felicidade Macome
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique, Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique
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- 2017 Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD) – Utrecht University, the Netherlands
- 2010-2011: Certificate of Successful Completion of Pre-Doctoral Program at the Research Capacity Initiative (RCI) coordinated by the Southern Africa/Netherlands Program for Alternative Development (SANPAD). Modules studied were: Survey of Theories, Identifying a good research question, Survey of Qualitative Methods, Evaluating research design and Research Proposal writing, Dealing with data, Mentoring and dissemination, as well as composing and defending the Research Proposal.
- 2007 to 2009: Master in Science in Animal Science in the Tropics - Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
- 1989 to 1995: Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine (Licenciatura em Medicina Veterinária) - Eduardo Mondlane, University, Mozambique.
- 1986 to 1988: Pre university Certifcate - Francisco Manyanga secondary school, 1988
Large experience in animal production and animal nutrition
1998 to 2022: Twenty four years of research experience in various capacities at the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique, (Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique - IIAM) involved in animal production and animal health.
From 2019 to present I have been working on project of processing of underutilization fruits and native plants in collaboration with university of Namibia.