Programme / Science for Inclusivity, Innovation, Food Security, Nutrition and Social Justice

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Monday / 5 DEC

9:00 - 11:00

Side event:
Science for Inclusivity, Innovation, Food Security, Nutrition and Social Justice
Venue: Meeting Rooms 1.43-1.44

Background & Context: An integrated approach to addressing climate change (Goal 13: Climate Action - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 2030), and triple-burden of malnutrition (SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger) were exacerbated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. As echoed by the OECD, food security is not about availability of food, but it includes better accessibility, stability, agency and sustainability. That is, when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active life. That said, there are couple of factors that are inherent to a functional food system. For example, better access to land and production resources, stakeholders support, conducive policy environment, innovation and knowledge; which contribute to a systems critical for enhancing favorable socio-economic conditions. Policy choices matter as food security and nutrition as a nexus issue that directly and indirectly intertwined with e.g. health, natural resources, climate; so policy and economic environment becomes crucial in conceptualizing solution and probability of success.  In low-resource settings, science and innovation adoption is necessary. However, without targeted key actors and integrated stakeholder approach, application of knowledge and promotion of science and innovation-led interventions informed by local context and conditions is a challenge. 


The basis of the session is to identify existing and emerging intervention models that are embedded in system designs towards an integrated application of science and practice innovations and policy for enhanced socio-economic conditions. Amongst the objectives is to identify policy support gaps within Africa Region and impact of international cooperation frameworks i.e. funded programs/projects. Secondly, links to agricultural innovations and investments plays an important role in change of outcomes, behavior, culture and possibly communication; thus enabling a bridging environment between organizations, stakeholders and sectors is an important success factor. Promoting and supporting inclusion of marginalized communities such as women, children and rural populations or those on the margins of economic and policy benefits requires coordinated inter-governmental efforts, strengthened networks and partnerships that supports inclusivity.


Target audience & Panel: Session will have three areas targeted to and for policy makers, scientists, industry, actors and implementers; Institutional leaders driving the arrangements for supporting policy & research implementation including M&E through partnership arrangements such as NGO, government and private sector; as well as social innovators, entrepreneurs collaborating with communities and multi-sectoral stakeholders/funders.