Programme / Thematic session IV/c Intersections between social justice and the free and responsible conduct of science

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Thursday / 8 DEC

17:00 - 18:30

Thematic session:
Thematic session IV/c Intersections between social justice and the free and responsible conduct of science
Venue: Meeting Rooms 1.61-1.62

This thematic session will explore how the principles of scientific freedom and responsibility both compel and enable scientists to combat social justice issues facing the scientific community and contemporary society at-large.

The right to share in and to benefit from advances in science and technology is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as is the right to engage in scientific enquiry, to pursue and communicate knowledge, and to associate freely in such activities. These rights go hand-in-hand with responsibilities in the practice, management and communication of scientific research. Thus, the concepts of scientific freedom and responsibility relate directly to human rights and social justice.

The International Science Council is committed to a vision of science as a global public good. This is a vision with profound implications for the ways in which science is conducted, how it is used, and the roles it plays in society. Broadly defined, the sciences have played vitally important roles in human history and will attain an even more important role in the 21st century. As such, researchers are key members of contemporary society. Their contribution to human wellbeing and to planetary health is maximised when they are allowed appropriate freedoms to meet their individual and collective responsibilities.

This interactive panel discussion will bring together five leading thinkers to elaborate on concepts of scientific freedom and responsibility and the human right to science, discuss the major barriers to access to science as illustrative of the wider social justice issues facing contemporary society, and consider the role of science in both generating and combating these barriers in society. Together with dynamic engagement from the audience, the group will debate the appropriate approaches to address social justice issues facing scientists and society at-large.