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Prof Mary Abukutsa
, University of Agriculture and Technology
Prof Mary Abukutsa is a distinguished Scientist that has conducted pioneering research on African indigenous vegetables. Her work has had a tremendous impact on the utilization of indigenous vegetables in Africa and beyond and has led to receipt of numerous, well deserved awards including CTA-African wide women in Science awards, top position, third position in IMPRESSA award of RUFORUM, Presidential accolades and first position African union Scientific awards and Edinburgh medal. Prof Abukutsa's work has inspired students, young researchers and influenced governments to consider the importance of indigenous vegetables for nutrition, health and income generation. Mary's passion coupled with her careful scientific, multi-disciplinary, and multi-institutional participatory research, have repositioned indigenous vegetables from being considered as a poor man's crop to an internationally recognized super vegetables and commodity. Mary holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, a Master of Science in Agronomy, from University of Nairobi (Kenya) and Ph.D in Horticultural plant physiology and nutrition from University of London (UK). She currently serves as a Professor of Horticulture and has just completed a five year term in July 2022. as Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research, Innovation, Production and Extension at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya. Prof Abukutsa released nine (9) varieties of African Indigenous Vegetables through the Kenya Plant Inspectorae Services (KEPHIS) in July 2016. Prof Abukutsa is an active member of the Kenya National Academy of Sciences (KNAS) and a fellow of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and a member of the Governing Council (GC) of AAS. Mary has supervised over 80 undergraduate and postgraduate research projects/theses and she is widely published. Prof Abukutsa also has excellent experience in Leadership and mentoring.