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Ms Maggie Dugan
Founder, Inclusive Innovation
Maggie is a facilitator and a workshop architect. She designs and leads events that provoke innovation: Impact labs, leadership development programs, facilitator training, collaborative strategy sessions. She is founder of Inclusive Innovation, which uses a creative methodology to activate innovation at the intersection of science and economic development, focused the Sustinable Development Goals and the global south. She’s also a senior facilitator at Knowinnovation, known for its work accelerating scientific innovation for national science funding agencies in the US and UK.
Maggie has been deeply involved in designing and facilitating the Africa Science Leadership Program (ASLP), the ASEAN-SLP, the APEC-SLP and the Global Young Academy’s annual Collaborative Skills workshop for new members, all designed to inspire early- and mid-career scientists to explore and re-define what it means to be a collaborative science leader within their institutions, their countries and their regions.
Maggie is a member of the community of creativity practitioners that grew out of the Creative Education Foundation (CEF) in Buffalo, NY, in the USA. She received the CEF’s Distinguished Leader Award and has been a leader/presenter at creativity conferences worldwide, including the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) in the United States, the European Creativity Association conference (CREA) in Italy, European Association for Creativity and Innovation (EACI), the South African Creativity Conference, Creativity Istanbul, and Mindcamp in Toronto, Canada.
Inclusive Innovation's offices are located in Spain, France, the UK and Estonia.