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Mr Dobrivoje Eric
, Center for Promotion of Science (Belgrade, Serbia)
Dobrivoje Lale Eric is leading the Department of International Cooperation at Serbia’s Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) since 2015. The Center was founded in 2010 with a goal to establish functional and active relations between science and society, both locally and internationally. He’s been managing many EU funded projects at the national level, including European ARTificial Intelligence Lab / AI Lab (Creative Europe) and RRING (Horizon 2020), aimed at critical and creative assessment of the AI systems, and societal relevance of the research and innovation processes, respectively. Currently, he coordinates regional engagement in six SEE countries within the H2020 TeRRIFICA project, as well as national activities within the Scientix network. He’s been involved as an expert, work package leader or team member in numerous projects and initiatives dealing with science communication, research policies, STE(A)M education and art & science practices, with a focus on learning, climate and AI topics lately. He serves as a member of the Programme Committees at the both Future Studies programme of the Belgrade Open School and the ECSITE, the largest European network of science centres and museums. An art historian by education, he was also the elected president of the DoCoMoMo Serbia, a national chapter of the international committee for the documentation and conservation of modern movement in architecture, in the period 2013-19.