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Prof. Joseph Francis
University of Venda, University of Venda
Prof. Joseph Francis is the Director of Institute for Rural Development, University of Venda. He is an academic and rural development practitioner with extensive experience in applying participatory action research in grassroots community development. Currently, he leads the following notable projects, among others:
1. Innovation Champions for Local Economic Development in Vhembe District of South Africa: This is a national pilot project designed to integrate innovation into local economic development practice. The Department of Science and Innovation funds the project;
2. Citizen-driven Community Development in aeas under Traditional Authority: Eight Traditional Authorities in Vhembe District of South Africa are the implementation sites. It entails building the capacities of Traditional Councils and community-based institutions or organisations, unemployed graduates and retired professionals to facilitate and coordinate nurturing of sustainable development in their residential areas; and
3. 'Cleaning Citizen Mindsets' to Trigger Responsible Action: It is premised on the argument that most challenges affecting society are well-planned and man-made. They can only be eradicated via deploying attitude and behaviour change-focused interventions. Central to this are 1) Multi-stakeholder inclusive cleaning campaigns resting on zero tolerance to dirt in public spaces and facilitated discussions on contemporary social change issues e.g. corruption, climate change & gender-based violence