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Dr Rosarii Griffin
Director of Centre for Global Development and Secretary/Director of ICORSA, and Chair UCCRSA , University College Cork & International Consortium of Research Staff Associations
Dr Rosarii Griffin is Secretary & Director of ICORSA, the International Consortium of Researcher Staff Assocation; Chairperson of University College Cork’s Researcher Staff Association (UCCRSA) and International Officer of Ireland’s national RSA. Rosarii is also the Interim Director of the ’Centre for Global Development’ at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. She is a social scientist with an interest in Open Science, Science Diplomacy, and dissemination and engagement vis-a-vis Science Communication. Rosarii’s background is in ’International and Comparative Education’ (DPhil, Oxford) whose research focuses on ’Education for Global Sustainable Development’ and RRI (Responsible Research in Innovation) especially in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She has published 5 books in the area and is currently working on a 6th. Rosarii is also on the Board of the US based ’Global Virus Network’ and is a longstanding Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), London.