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Dr. Motoko Kotani
Science & Technology Co-Advisor, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Science and Technology Co-Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan
Executive Vice President (Research) of Tohoku University, Professor and Principal Investigator of the WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR) and Professor, Mathematical Institute, Graduate School of Science at Tohoku University. Motoko Kotani specializes in geometry, especially, discrete geometric analysis. She received the 25th Saruhashi Prize for her contribution to Discrete Geometric Analysis on crystal lattice. She served an executive member of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, the Cabinet Office, the former President of the Mathematical Society of Japan. She is a member of the Science Council of Japan and a member of Board of Governors, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation. She served as Executive Director of RIKEN. She has been elected as President-Elect of ISC, assuming the Presidency at the next General Assembly in 2024.