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Mr Elsadig Mohamedahmed
Senior Expert, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) and Secretariat of the Eastern and Southern African Commission on Drugs (EASCD)
Elsadig MohamedAhmed joined the Global Initiative in August 2022. He is responsible for Africa’s Drug Policy and assists in the engagement with the UNODC, Member States, as well as multi-stakeholders in Vienna. Prior to joining GI-TOC, he worked at the Sudan Permanent Mission in Vienna for four years and was in charge of several portfolios including UNODC, as he coordinated the negotiations with Member States, civil society and others during the Chairmanship of Sudan to Commission on Narcotic Drugs in 2019. He worked as governmental expert for the UNCAC and UNTOC review mechanism; as well as taskforce coordinator for the African Group at the UNODC matters.
Elsadig holds a Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, B.A honors in Linguistics and M.A in Translation.
Abstract:Introduction to the Eastern and Southern African Commission on Drugs (EASCD).
Senior Expert of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC); & Secretariat of the Eastern and Southern Africa Commission on Drugs (EASCD).