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Dr Kate Shaw
Research Scientist, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Dr Shaw is an experimental particle physicist at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, and a lecturer at the University of Sussex, UK, working on the ATLAS experiment at CERN and the DUNE experiment at Fermilab. Shaw obtained her Ph.D in 2010 from the University of Sheffield, before holding a postdoctoral researcher position at ICTP. She was awarded an INFN fellowship at CERN and took up the staff scientist position at ICTP in 2016 and joint Lecturership at the University of Sussex in 2018. Shaw has worked extensively in promoting physics in developing countries, and on initiatives to support women in physics, inclusion and diversity in physics, and on science communication and open data. In 2012 Shaw founded and co-directs the ICTP Physics Without Frontiers programme for which she won the European Physical Society Outreach Prize in 2015.