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Dr Ryuma Shineha
Associate Professor, Research Center on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues, Osaka University / Member, Young Academy of Japan, Science Council of Japan
Dr. Ryuma Shineha’s major is Science & Technology Studies (STS) and Science & Technology Policy Studies. His current research theme is analyzing social and ethical aspects and broad impacts of science and technology with perspectives on responsible research and innovation (RRI) and co-creating real-time public dialogue in RRI agendas among various actors. He also considers structural issues of science and technology policies. He is a member of the Young Academy Science Council of Japan (SCJ). He received a Ph.D. from Kyoto University.
Abstract:In this session, we will examine two concepts as key to enhance the relationship between science and global public good: “well-being,” and “distributive justice.” In the 2019 World Science Forum’s Declaration called for concerted action on ‘science for global well-being’. In the context of longstanding social inequalities tackled by the Sustainable Development Goals, addressing challenges to humankind’s basic existence under COP26, or the world-shattering impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, few in 2019 could have foreseen how meaningful their call to arms has now become. Under the current situation, “well-being” has been an essential perspective to understand the role of scientific knowledge and its impact on society.
To consider the relationship between well-being and advanced knowledge, we need to focus on another key concept “distributive justice”. Distributive justice is a key concept for current scientific systems to overcome inequality of accessibility, benefits, and risks of scientific results in international policies and scientific communities. When we think about distributive justice on scientific knowledge, we should remember that knowledge production, particularly in scientific research, is influenced by the polarization of various resources, such as money, human capital, infrastructure, researchers’ networks, know-how, and so on. The lack of distributive justice can cause the lack of “science for global well-being,”. What role can science play in the current emerging issue of inequalities in the distribution of knowledge resulting in social injustice?
There are a lot of issues which we have to face to overcome multi-layered issues on “science and society”. We need to discuss the future ecosystem to overcome the multi-layered inequality and structural gaps on production and accessibility to knowledge between countries, institutions, laboratories, and actors.
Considering interests described above, the objective of the panel is to explore deep understanding of multi-layered gaps on knowledge production and impacts of concepts of “well-being” and “distributive justice”. To tackle this theme, we will focus on the lessons learned from our research and practices. And then, we will discuss questions on “What kinds of policies, activities, and communications can solve those gaps and bring an inclusive ecosystem of science?” Furthermore, speakers will assess the role of STI and international diplomacy in both creating and tackling the very conditions that have made our science for social justice problems so manifest.
Following an interactive debate with delegates, recommendations will be made to inform the 2022 World Science Forum’s Declaration. These will target how diverse stakeholders across sectors and importantly, national borders, from top scientists and policymakers to youth and the aged, can be better engaged to drive meaningful change and bring distributive justice and well-being one step closer.
In this my talk, I'll briefly describing the significance of SCJ's participation in this session, and presenting the current problem on distributive justice in scientific knowledge and what we can contribute to the ecosystem to encourage social justice.