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Deputy director in Charge of Scientific Commissions , Université Virtuelle de Côte d'Ivoire


Dr Cécile OUATTARA-COULIBALY is … (more)


is coordinating the technical activities of the digital library for the Higher Education and Scientific Research in Côte d’Ivoire, launched in 2016 and under the supervision of the Université Virtuelle de Côte d’Ivoire (UVCI). Deputy director in charge of the scientific commissions since 2017, Cecile, through The “Open Access Week Côte d’Ivoire", an initiative instituted in 2018, is leading activities for  promoting open access, open science and open research. Member of LIBSENSE forum, Cecile is working as focal point on the national roadmap project with WACREN. Understanding  the interest of the UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Science before its signature in november 2021, the Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire (UVCI) contributed in strenghnening the national activities participating into the FONSTI’s Conference to promote Open Science in december 2021, signing its institutional policy on open science,  coordinating  the national Symposium on Open Science in Côte d’Ivoire, participating in the LIBSENSE Regional Wokshop on policies development in Higher Institutions in Africa(compendium published) during the WACREN 2022 conference in Abidjan, participating in the UNESCO’s Regional Webinar in May 2022 with a presentation on infrastructure issue , participating in the first an the second Open Science Colloquium on Open Science in the South co-oganised by IRD ansd CIRAD in 2019 in Dakar (speaker) and 2022 in Cotonou (scientific committee member).