Executive Director, Belmont Forum
Senior Lecturer, The University of Yaoundé I
Associate Professor | Executive Committee Member, University of Namibia | Global Young Academy
Senior Lecturer in Entomology, Lilongwe University of Agriculture
Director-General, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
Member Governing Board, International Science Council
Coordinator, Organization for Women Scientists for the Developing world (OWSD)
Head of the President's Office, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Secretary General, Science Europe
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA)
Minister, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation
Regional Director for Southern Africa, UNESCO
ed in chief//director, Frontiers Policy Labs and Frontiers Planetary Prize
Vice-Preseident, ASSAf
Executive Director, Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO)
Executive Vice-President, Red Tree Consulting
Research Scientist, University of California, Davis/ Global Young Academy
Chair, Council of the Square Kilometer Array Observatory
Chief Director: Multilateral Cooperation and Africa, Department of Science and Innovation
Associate research professor, University of Namibia
Chief of Section/Director a.i., UNESCO
Senior Researcher, Know-Center GmbH
President, Pan-African Psychology Union (PAPU)
Executive Director, Scientific Research / Senior Assistant to HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan for Scientific Affairs, Royal Scientific Society
JRC expert, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
Deputy Permanent Secretary - Technical, Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology
, Head Science Scouting, GESDA