Lecturer/Head of Department, Cameroon Chapter of the Affiliates – AAS; The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Economic and Policy Analyst, Joint Research Centre - European Commission
Regional Gender Statistics Advisor for East and Southern Africa, UN Women
, African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
Corporate Scientist & Chief Science Advocate, 3M
Research Scientist, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Program Director Drug Policy, TB/HIV Care - Understanding what’s at play when evidence-based policy-making confronts policy-biased evidence-making across Africa.
Associate Professor, Research Center on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues, Osaka University / Member, Young Academy of Japan, Science Council of Japan
Special Advisor on Social Policy to the President of South Africa, The Presidency
Head of Department of Science, Technology Development and Outreach, National Council for Science and Technology of Rwanda
Editor in Chief, Nature, Springer Nature
, South African Science Journalists Association
Strategic Advisor, African Center for Aquatic Research and Education
Executive Officer, ASSAf
Deputy Director, Dept of Sports and Arts and Culture
CEES, University of Oslo, Science Ambassador of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO)
El Hassan Research Chair in Sustainability at the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan; UNESCO Chair in Geoscience & Society, Royal Scientific Society
Professor and Director, Centre for Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria (UP), SA
Special Advisor, Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Government of South Africa, South Africa